Bitcoin on ZBD
ZEBEDEE is a regulated entity under the Markets in crypto-assets Regulation (MiCAR) in the European Union and provides crypto-asset services to you in compliance with MiCAR. As a ZEBEDEE customer, we want to ensure that you have a full understanding of the bitcoin that you will earn and store in your ZEBEDEE account. The Bitcoin Whitepaper is a great place to start! Within this whitepaper, you will be able to find the following:
However, the Bitcoin Whitepaper does not cover everything! For information on the risks associated with the crypto-asset, ZEBEDEE has prepared a description of the risks that you should be aware of. You can view these risk descriptions in the ZEBEDEE Risk Warning page. Additionally, external, independent and credible parties, such as the European Union, have developed materials on the associated risks which provide helpful additional insight. You can access that material here.
There are also environmental considerations with respect to the use of bitcoin. To learn more, please review this article from the United Nations University. For further reading and insight, the White House Fact Sheet on the Climate and Energy Implications of Crypto-Assets are good materials which you can find at this link.
There is some information pertaining to bitcoin which is not available. The first is information about the offeror or the person seeking admission to trading. This is not available as per Article 4, paragraph 1 (b)- (d) of MiCAR, ZEBEDEE is not an offeror nor is there a single offeror as there is no party which has influence on the product and therefore no specific responsibility to the asset itself.
Beyond information on the offeror, there is also no information about the operator of the trading platform in cases where it draws up the crypto-asset white paper as ZEBEDEE did not create the bitcoin white paper.