Conflicts of Interest

1. Introduction

ZEBEDEE is dedicated to adequately managing situations where the specific interests of ZEBEDEE and its customers, or employees, both between our company and our customers and between a customer and another customer, may give rise to a conflict, whether directly or indirectly. To do so, ZEBEDEE will take all reasonable steps to identify, prevent and, if necessary, manage conflicts of interest fairly. ZBD has established a Conflicts of Interest Policy, which aims to ensure that ZBD acts honestly, fairly and professionally in the best interests of its business customers, users and other stakeholders and at times puts its customers' interests ahead of its own.

ZBD will take all appropriate steps to identify and prevent or manage conflicts of interest, by:

The Management and Supervisory Boards and all employees at ZBD fully support conflicts of interest framework and are committed to ensure that all conflicts between the company, its employees and ZBD's customers, and between customers, are managed fairly with no party unfairly disadvantaged.

The ZBD Management Board will review, at least on an annual basis, all records of potential, perceived or actual conflicts of interest situations identified during the course of doing business and assess the risks to damage the interests of a customer and the effectiveness of the implemented measures to mitigate and measure those.

2. Identifying a conflict of interest

For the purpose of identifying the types of conflict of interest that arise, or may arise, in the course of providing electronic money services and/or crypto asset services and the existence of which may entail a material risk to or damage the interests of a customer, ZBD will take into account, as a minimum, whether the firm or a "relevant person" (such as a Management Board member, Supervisory Board member or employee of ZBD), or a person directly or indirectly linked by control to the firm, may find itself in a situation where the prospect of direct or indirect personal gain may influence or appear to influence judgement or actions while conducting company business. A conflict of interest may arise if a relevant person is in any of the following situations and those will be assessed when determining if a conflicts of interest situation exists:

When identifying the types of conflict that arise, or may arise, ZBD will assess whether the company or a relevant person (such as an employee of ZBD), or a person directly or indirectly linked by control to ZBD, may find itself in a situation where the prospect of direct or indirect personal gain may influence or appear to influence judgement or actions while conducting company business. A conflict of interest may arise if a relevant person is in any of the following situations and those will be assessed when determining if a conflicts of interest situation exists:

Therefore, a conflicts of interest may include but are not restricted to interests between:

3. Types of conflicts of interest situations:

3.1 Personal transactions:

ZBD employees may buy, sell or hold the same assets as our customers. ZBD employees are prohibited from entering into personal transactions which involve the misuse or improper disclosure of that confidential information; or conflict or are likely to conflict with an obligation of ZBD under Regulation (EU) 2023/1114. All ZBD employees are made aware of the restrictions on personal transactions, and of the measures established by ZBD during their onboarding and periodically afterwards.

It is an offence to profit from a financial transaction, either directly or indirectly, based on confidential information that someone is party to. This is often referred to as ‘insider dealing’ and is covered by the Market Abuse Directive. Whilst we may not deal in investments directly there may be occasions through the course of ZBD's business where an employee may become party to confidential information.

Where this is the case, nobody within ZBD (or third-party outsourced partners) will:

3.2 Gifts and entertainment

ZBD has established a policy on gifts and entertainment which confirms when they can be received or given and the steps that must be taken. ZBD employees are prohibited from receiving any form of entertainment or gifts from business partners, customers or persons that may generate a financial gain or prevent a financial loss at the expense of ZBD or one of its customers or falls outside of the permitted Gifts & Entertainment guidelines of ZBD, described in the Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy

Similarly, ZBD employees are not allowed to place undue pressure on customers to persuade them to conclude transactions through ZBD to the extent that this gives rise to a conflict of interest between that customer and another customer.

3.3 Dual-hatting

ZBD strives to ensure that dual-hatting situations do not give rise to actual or potential conflict of interest, which may result in a material risk to the interests of ZBD or its customers. Such a conflict of interest may arise when an individual or a department has 2 or more conflicting roles at the same time. Therefore, ZBD takes specific measures in such situations, which are appropriate for the prevention or mitigation of the potential conflict of interest, such as:

3.4 Remuneration

ZBD is subject to the Act on Remuneration Policies (Financial Enterprises) Act (Wet beloningsbeleid financiële ondernemingen – “RPFEA”) as implemented in the Dutch Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht - "DFSA"). Thus, ZBD has implemented a Sound Remuneration Policy, which ensures that remuneration arrangements do not create conflict of interest situations. ZBD's Sound Remuneration Policy ensures that all relevant employees who are open to a conflict of interest are paid a basic fixed salary. Offering a basic fixed salary is an especially effective mitigant for potential conflict of interest situations for key support and control functions such as compliance. This salary is not dependent on business performance ensuring that employees are not incentivised by monetary rewards to perform actions which may be against the best interests of ZBD or its customers.

4. Managing conflicts

The measures for dealing with conflicts which ZBD implements are designed to ensure that relevant persons engaged in different business activities involving a conflict of interest carry on those activities at a level of independence, appropriate to the size and activities of ZBD and are proportionate to the of the risk of damage to the interests of clients.

Examples of procedures for managing conflicts include:

5. Declining to act

Where ZBD considers that we are not able to prevent or manage the conflicts of interest situation to an acceptable level, we may decline to act for the customer.

6. Disclosure

There may be situations of actual and potential conflicts of interest where even after performing a risk assessment and implementing mitigation measures, it is not possible to manage the conflicts of interest situation to a satisfactory level which ensures that the risks of damage to the interests of the customer will be prevented. Therefore, as a last resort, where there is no other means of preventing or managing a conflict, ZBD will disclose that conflicts of interest situation clearly, in writing, with sufficient details, taking into account the nature of the customer, to enable the customer to make an informed decision with respect to the service in the context of which the conflict of interest arises.

Review of conflicts of interest policy.

ZBD's Conflicts of Interest Policy will be assessed and reviewed at least on an annual basis any relevant updates will be published here.

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